Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stealing "Local"

In the first post I promised an example of something that I've found when I've been away from home and brought back enough of to hold me over for the winter. The first one is tea. True tea is camellia sinensis and as it turns out its another thing that we don't grow here (USA) any more... or almost. Bigelow bought the Charleston Tea Plantation’s – America’s Only Tea Garden and is making tea in the US! To be completely honest, I didn't make it to the plantation and haven't been on the tour. My parents did and loved it. Mom literally bough the T-Shirt.

So I'm claiming tea as a "local". I've got a good friend of mine who lives in Charleston and on a recent visit to see him we ended up with some of the tea. It's good, it was bought within 50ft of the field it grew in and neither it nor I made a trip over 150miles for the sole purpose of purchase for consumption. Beyond that I'm making a point to support a group that isn't exactly commonplace in the hopes that they stick around.

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